NCR Invoices
NCR Invoices
Carbonless forms, also known as NCR Invoice , allow simultaneous imprinting on all other parts of the sets while the top is written on it. Carbonless form or NCr form, is great way of keeping copies without making copies. These forms are used whenever keeping a copy is important, as is the case with invoices, quotes, applications, delivery slips, shipping forms, etc.
Solutions Printing Signs and Awnings once print the NCR Invoice can be organized in preset quantities, padded, cut into smaller sizes. NCR invoice, carbonless forms, come with different sizes as follow:
- 3.3×8.5
- 5.5x 8.5
- 8.5×11 ( letter size)
- 8.5x 14 ( legal size )
- 11×17 ( tabloid size )
There are two type of NCR invoice: two parts, three parts, four parts, and five parts as well as numbered and and perforation. Please note for for numbering and perforation extra charge will be applied.
Solutions Printing Signs and Awnings, Carbonless from or NCR invoices can be print black and wight, full colour, and single colour. NCR Invoices 2 sets come with wight colour and yellow colour and Carbonless invoice three set come with wight colour, yellow and pick colour. NCR invoices come with one side or double sided printing.